

放大字体  缩小字体 2017-04-20 15:14:57 浏览次数:326  
   One of the World's Largest Architectural Websites in UK -- E-architect Becomes Idea-Tops Award Overseas Promotion Media Partner


  On March 2017, the International Space Design Award -- Idea-Tops and one of the world's largest architectural websites of UK -- e-architect reached a cooperation agreement: e-architect becomes Idea-Tops overseas promotion media partner.


  Idea-Tops: The top Platform for global design cultural exchange


  International Space Design Award -- Idea-Tops’ positioning has distinctive characteristics of contemporaneity and internationalism from the date of its birth. Through exploring and recognizing the best designers and best design works in a world range, Idea-Tops tries to be the most thoughtful and influential design award in the world. Over the past seven years, Idea-Tops has been held grand tours in more than 30 cities around the world, including the United States, Greece, Italy, Australia, Dubai, Singapore, Russia and other places. It shows the world the forward-looking attitude, innovative ideas and never-ending design wisdom of Idea-Tops designers, at the same time promotes the exchange and cooperation of design in the world, building an important link between eastern and western design. Step by step, Idea-Tops is now deeply in the soil of design. Japan, Russia, Dubai and other international divisions have been set up, and the design layout of Idea-Tops is expanding.


  E-architect -- One of the World's Largest Architectural Websites

  英国e-architect是世界上最大的建筑网站之一,拥有约20,000个页面。 e-architect由Adrian Welch和Isabelle Lomholt负责运营,两位都是建筑师,但他们对建筑的强烈兴趣使他们把精力集中在一个在线建筑资源库,而不是实际的建筑工作。

  e-architect is one of the world’s largest architecture websites with around 20,000 pages. e-architect is run by Adrian Welch and Isabelle Lomholt. Adrian and Isabelle both trained as architects but their strong interest in architecture led them to focus their energies on an online architectural resource rather than practicing.


  The principal website is www.e-architect.co.uk but the first website was edinburgharchitecture.co.uk set up in 2000 followed by glasgowarchitecture.co.uk two years later, and e-architect in early 2006. The initial concept was to provide information on new buildings that would be helpful for not just local architects but a wide range of locals and tourists. Over time as connections were made this successful model was expanded and now includes all major cities in the world.


  The principal difference between e-architect and other architecture sites is that we don’t just carry news: on e-architect buildings can be searched by country, city or by type. You can of course also search for buildings by architect.


  e-architect.co.uk features building news, events, competitions, photos, jobs, awards and products. We feature a range of building types from houses to skyscrapers, plus major landscape and interior projects.


  Powerful Combination: One Plus One Will Be Infinity


  The cooperation of Idea-Tops and e-architect marks a good start of the cooperation between China and the UK. It is also an important part of Idea-Tops’ international strategy and one of the important nodes in its internationalization process.


  e-architect is delighted to be working with Idea-Tops. Both sides are the oldest architectural websites in their respective markets and both platforms are influential in the architecture field.

  “国际空间设计大奖Idea-Tops非常资深和权威,在世界范围内有较大影响力,与政府、大学和媒体关系密切而友好,A963设计网平台拥有超过22万注册设计师成员,是中国建筑室内设计行业的权威网站。e-architect是2000年在英国上线的第一个城市建筑网站,目前在社交媒体上拥有超过57万的关注者,在世界范围内有稳定的读者群。e-architect也有很好的社会关系。去年,创始人和主编Adrian Welch在纽约、巴黎和里约热内卢著名的建筑比赛中担任评委。 e-architect还参加欧洲和中东的建筑活动,如柏林的LEAF或巴塞罗那的WAF。“

  “Idea-Tops are well established in China with many readers and good connections. e-architect traces its roots back to our first city architecture website that went online in the UK back in 2000. E-architect now has more than 570,000 followers on social media and a well-established global audience. e-architect are also well connected, in the last year founder and co-editor Adrian Welch judged prestigious architecture competitions in New York, Paris and Rio de Janeiro. e-architect also attend European and Middle East architecture events such as LEAF in Berlin or WAF in Barcelona.“


  “We have introduced Idea-Tops to our audience and will continue to feature their architectural news. In return Idea-Tops will let their extensive readership know about e-architect and our successful global tour network.”


  Let More High Quality First Party Enjoy the Excellent Design Services


  The President of International Space Design Award -- Idea-Tops Commission Mr. Zhao Qingxiang said:" Idea-Tops builds a collaborative and continuous improving stage for designers all over the world and related industries, to explore and cultivate better design elites, to let Chinese design walk to the world, at the same time for outstanding architects and design teams overseas to enter Chinese market, building a bridge to let more high-end owners and first parties to enjoy the excellent design services. I am very happy that e-architect becomes Idea-Tops’ overseas media partner, and I believe this will make the global influence of Idea-Tops further internationalized and become more authoritative. "


  From 2010 to 2017, Idea-Tops has been held for seven times and will be held its eighth time. There are nearly a thousand increments of entries from the world every year. This year Idea-tops will be more shining. More real estate developers, hotel investors and first parties of constructions with high-quality requirement target Idea-Tops winners as their cooperators. More high-quality project investors and business groups around the world are connecting with Idea-Tops organization.


  In 2017, the International Space Design Award Idea-Tops has started collecting entries. All designers are welcomed to participate. Chinese design industry needs to stand in the future and meet international standards. The market prosperity of design culture needs participation of every designer. Let us witness the spring of design industry together!
