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家具五金【帆天家具五金配件、休闲可升降吧椅 】

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最后更新: 2019-02-08 01:41

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:743
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    规格r 直径300mm名称r 吧盘吧椅适用范围r 用于酒吧里产品名称吧椅规格用T1.0mm*300mm电镀盘+D200mm升降杆+不锈钢圈套+PVC凳材质铁+不锈钢+PVC表面处理亮面包装方式用胶袋包装后装入纸箱,每个产品之间用纸板进行隔开,保证产品不受损坏其它本司对所有产品进行全检合格后再进行包装,送货可根据客户的要求进行灵活安排,本司可以根据客户的样板或图纸进行订做。公司简介帆天家具五金制品有限公司,位于中国大型的生产基地城市——东莞,是一家专业从事研发、设计,生产、销售、贸易为一体的家具五金配件企业,主要销售中高档吧椅吧盘、吧椅转盘、沙发多功能关节、办公椅气压升降底盘、五星脚、餐桌滑轨、气动杆、家具脚轮、拉手等各种家具五金配件产品。多年来,我们不断开拓创新,注重产品品种、款式多样化、数量规模化,以平价经营方式,为广大客户提供质优,价优的五金配件产品。产品现已畅销全国各地,且远销东南亚等国家和地区。公司实力雄厚,重信用、守合同,保证产品质量,本着“客户至上,品牌第一”的以经营原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。热诚的欢迎全球更多商家与我们合作!Dongguan Fantain Furniture Hardware Products Co., Ltd., located in a large production base in China cities - Dongguan, is a professional engaged in R & D, design, production, sales, trading as one of the furniture hardware accessories business, which sells high-grade bar plate of bar chair, wheel of bar chairs, multi-function sofas joint, office chair pneumatic lift plate ,five-star base, table slides, gas lift, casters, handles and other furniture hardware accessories. Over the years, we have been developing innovative, pay attention to product variety, style diversification, the number of large-scale. We provide our clients with quality, price .excellent hardware accessories. Our products are now sold all over the country, and exported to Southeast Asia and other countries and regions.The company have a strong strength, re-credit, keep the contract, to ensure product quality, "customer first, the brand first" operating principles is the spirit of our company,This let us to won the trust of customers. Warm welcome to more customers to cooperate with us联系电话:0769-82051180/18676929011联系人: 邱先生"};



