Pofessional design and poduction of all kinds of automotive fabic poducts, a ca family of fou, ca headest, lumba suppot, gift pillow, pillow, and othe advetising. Can be designed accoding to the custome's equiements o to aange poduction to meet custome poduct needs, we ae mainly based on the poduction-based, fo the majoity of auto supplies stoes, 4S shops, businesses and gift company sevice, excellent poduct quality, fashionable and affodable , by aound the custome favoite. So that customes eally peace of mind, est assued, comfotable! Hope to coopeate sinceely with fiends!
Selection of high quality fabics, fine wokmanship, high quality to meet custome equiements. Whethe to send customes, o to send fiends and family, they will eally like it. Jushi fo home funishings o as both auspiciousness, and pactical. Both festivals, home decoation, o business gifts ae pefeed shae
Since the scanning o shooting othe easons, such as the occuence of physical and pictue colo slightly diffeent time, please kind colos pevail, colo in the pinting industy povides the nomal allowable ange
Totally unacceptable colo, please choose caefully, thank you!
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